How a child’s question can transform your online business: A guide to checkout optimization

Sometimes it's very simple questions that help us to better understand our everyday lives. In this blog article by Fabian Wild, inspired by a simple children's question, we dive deeper into the importance of checkout optimization to unlock the full potential of your online store and create real added value for your customers.


Recently, my 7-year-old godchild asked me the seemingly simple question: “What do you actually do at work all day?” This simple question made me think about my job role, and the realization was clear: “So you’re there to help people.”

As your personal consultant, I strive to not only sell products, but to find out what you as a retailer really need to best serve your end customers. My focus is to introduce you to innovative solutions that will take your business to the next level.

A very valuable learning about your customer base is to recognize how you can get potential customers to complete a purchase. Did you know that studies show that 59% of end customers are more likely to visit an online store and make more purchases if the checkout is optimized and fewer to no third-party providers are visible?

The decisive moment

The checkout process in an online store is more than just a sequence of steps to complete a purchase. It is the decisive moment when potential customers make the choice as to whether they actually want to buy the products.

Imagine you have a first-class online store with great products and an appealing website. But if the checkout process is cumbersome, lengthy or confusing, potential customers may become frustrated and abandon the purchase. This not only means a lost sale, but also a missed opportunity to gain a loyal customer.

This makes it all the more important to identify the weaknesses of a checkout process in order to turn them into strengths and thus stand out positively.

"A trustworthy checkout is crucial as it is at the heart of the shopping experience for the end customer. A smooth and secure checkout process not only creates a positive customer experience, but also increases the customer's trust in the integrity of the company."

Fabian Wild
Senior Sales Manager, Unzer GmbH

Maximize your potential with an optimized check-out process

With the help of a thorough analysis of your check-out process, you can identify optimization opportunities that are specifically tailored to the needs of your company.

An effective checkout process is the backbone of a successful online business. It is therefore of great importance that this process is seamless and user-friendly in order to reduce the likelihood of abandoned purchases and increase customer satisfaction.

What exactly does an optimized check-out experience look like? Here are some proven strategies to optimize your check-out process and improve your customers’ shopping experience:

  1. Short and clear stepsReduce the number of steps customers have to go through to complete their purchase. Each additional click increases the risk of an abandoned purchase. Keep the process short by only asking for the necessary information and eliminating unnecessary steps.
  2. Guest checkout optionOffer customers the option to shop as a guest without registering. Many customers do not want to go through the registration process and prefer faster processing.
  3. No hidden costsMake sure that all prices and shipping costs are displayed transparently before the customer starts the check-out process. Avoid hidden fees that could surprise the customer.
  4. Mobile optimizationAs more and more customers shop via mobile devices, it is essential that your check-out process also works smoothly on smartphones and tablets. Make sure that all elements are clearly visible and easy to use.
  5. Confidence-building measuresIntegrate trust-building elements such as security seals, customer ratings and warranty information into the check-out process. These help to strengthen customer trust and alleviate concerns about the security of their data.
  6. One-click purchase optionsImplement functions such as one-click purchase to enable regular customers to check out even faster. By saving payment information, customers can order with just one click, which speeds up the process considerably.

Optimizing the check-out process is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. However, by implementing these proven strategies, you can ensure that your check-out process runs smoothly and your conversion rates increase.

Individualization for higher conversion

While many companies use standardized checkout systems, customizing the checkout process to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience can offer significant benefits and significantly increase conversion rates.

Individual checkout optimization begins with a thorough analysis of your target group and their behaviour during the purchasing process. By collecting data on user behaviour, abandonment rates and conversion paths, valuable insights can be gained that serve as the basis for targeted optimization strategies.

An important aspect of individual checkout optimization is the personalization of the checkout experience for each individual customer. This can be achieved by implementing features such as pre-filled forms, recommendations for additional products or customized payment methods. By adapting the checkout process to the individual preferences and needs of your customers, you can improve the shopping experience and increase the likelihood of a successful purchase.

In addition, tailored checkout optimization allows you to target different customer segments. By segmenting your customers and adapting the checkout process to their respective needs, you can present relevant offers, discounts or shipping options that increase their willingness to buy and, in turn, boost conversion rates.


Just as my godchild’s simple yet profound question made me realize that my work is about helping others, our efforts to streamline the check-out process are centered around helping our customers.

The technologies and strategies we choose are tools to achieve just that – they not only make it easier to complete a purchase, but also bring us closer to our fundamental goal of providing assistance. Optimizing the checkout is not just about better conversion rates, it’s about creating real value through our actions.

With this in mind, I invite you to stay with us on this exciting journey and work together to ensure that your customers can experience the fruits of our efforts to improve the check-out process the next time they visit your online store. Because at the end of the day, our job is to be there for people and help them – in the digital age just as much as in real life.

Fabian Wild, Senior Sales Manager Unzer / Linkedin

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