
collana hive blog

Welcome to the collana hive blog!

Our blog is dedicated to current topics and trends from the industries covered by the collana IT product family.
From e-commerce and payment to compliance. On our blog, we provide insights from the industries of our
products as well as exciting success stories from our customers and insights from our partners.

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The key to good risk management in the sanctions list review.

In today’s globalized economy, there are numerous complex regulatory requirements that companies must comply with in order to minimize legal risks and maintain their reputation.
In this blog post, we look at one of the key issues for international companies: Sanctions list compliance.

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Guide: The most important factors when choosing a payment provider

Choosing the right payment service provider can be complicated.
The multitude of options available and the different requirements of the various business models do not make the decision-making process any easier.
In order to make the most strategically flexible and sustainable decision, a number of factors need to be considered.
These factors can make the difference between a smooth payment process and frustrated customers.
In this blog post, the most important factors are presented.

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Full speed ahead for smooth payment processing: Customer Success Story DF Automotive

The dynamic success story of DF Automotive, which once began in a modest room in a shared flat in Flensburg, has developed into an established name in the car tuning sector. However, the rapid growth of the company brought its own challenges, particularly in the area of payment processing. To overcome these challenges, DF Automotive decided to integrate the innovative payment solution from collana pay. Find out how collana pay was able to optimize DF Automotive’s payment processing in this case study.

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The challenge of e-commerce: On the way to ‘intelligent’ customer inspiration in the age of conversational commerce

E-commerce still lacks “intelligence”, even though the foundations for this are already in place.
Will the age of “conversational” commerce manage to inspire (unknown) customers again and become customer-oriented?
[Disclaimer: This text was written by myself and not with any AI; the AI was only used for spell-checking. Your own fault, you think? Maybe, but I can’t find it].

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4 trends that will shape e-commerce retail in 2024

The year 2024 is already a few weeks away, so it’s high time for us to provide an outlook on the trends for the year.
The year 2024 promises to be an exciting time for digital commerce as innovative technologies and changing consumer behavior drive the industry forward.
Here are four trends that will shape the e-commerce business in the coming year.

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